I work with big hearted women (that’s you!) who feel they are running on empty, have lost their sparkle and want to feel accomplished, healthy, joyful, vibrant and beautiful.


I am looking forward to getting to know you a little better, and I hope you use the resources here to change your life! 


Seriously, within these pages are ideas, programs, and inspiration that will encourage and support you to live more authentically, vibrantly, and allow you to believe in the miracle you are.

And considering you are on this page, here are some things about me. 

I like books, business, brunch, and pizza. 

Studying is a hobby. Currently I am finishing a degree in nutrition and dietetic medicine. I  have diplomas and certificates in nutrition, make up & beauty, sales, marketing, health coaching, business management and anything else you can think of in between! 

I started my first business at fourteen, selling make up. My goal was to earn a company car, and I did. I’ve travelled to beautiful places in the world with incredible women who have been examples and mentors of how to create an extraordinary life. 

My longest period of full time employment was 18 months. I prefer working for myself. 

I produced and directed a musical about my beauty salon, where the clients participated. It was a sell out show at the Adelaide Fringe! 

I never ran a day in my life until I completed a half marathon on the Great Wall of China. 

I celebrated the centenary of International Women’s Day by building a home in Nepal with 99 other Australian women.  

I have accepted business awards, and accolades that exceeded the belief I had in myself. I remember my aunt telling me once, ‘Sometimes you need someone else to believe in you before you can believe in yourself.’ Well, lets kickstart that for you right now. 

My life has been, and still is, full and colourful. I am sincerely grateful for the life I have, and acknowledge my privilege.

Life hasn’t been and isn’t always easy, but it is real, raw and has afforded and still affords me opportunities to learn lessons I would not trade ever. You know when people throw around those questions, if there is one thing in your life you could change, what would it be? If you could write a letter to your younger self what would you say? Well, for me I wouldn’t change anything, and I wouldn’t write the letter. As many of my challenging, down right hard, experiences and lessons filled with pain, grief, loss and tears have allowed me the capacity to love unconditionally, empathetically, abundantly and with gratitude.  The capacity I have now to set clear boundaries, live by my values and definition of success is liberating. 

Life for me is real, transparent and authentic. The days of chaos, strife, and mindlessly existing are far in my past. But sometimes things can get a little zany! I fill my days with my family, writing, studying, movement, and supporting women through my personal consultations, programs and holistic wellness membership. 

I hope with you reading this, it is just the beginning of our relationship.  

Now, enough about me I would like to learn more about you!  

How do you fill your days? What was your last adventure? The best way to share and connect with me is to become an OM Insider – click here and enter your name and email. 


Ocea xx



My favourite offerings


Love Yourself Well

1:1 sessions with Ocea




Wherever you are in your life right now, I am here to help you tap into your inner wisdom and your creative potential.

My wish is for you to live as your healthiest and most vibrant self. 


If you would like a monthly dose of inspiration, freebies, and share in the things I am loving that I think you will love too, become an OM Insider and let’s connect!

We play nice with your email.

7 Reasons to Make Water Your Main Drink.

It’s Here! First Episode of the Podcast - Love Yourself Well